The hair...
Okey I dont have the energy to write this both in Swedish and in English so here we go. Im soooo sick right now I cant belive it. I sent a Happy birthday recordning to my best guyfriend and I sounden like a man. I cant almost talk at all and when I do it sounds sooo bad. And the fever is driving me insane, im hot one min then cold, then hot, then cold, then hot, then cold. Bah! I hate beeing sick! hate hate hate it! Anyway.. here is a pic of the hair from yesterday. Its abit more yellow irl but you can see that its getting there. Im hoping that it will get better with some more wasing and playing around. Or else Im going dark again.. Well now Im gonna try to breath for a little bit... yay for beeing sickos! Hope you are having a better day then I am.